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Global carbon trading system has 'essentially collapsed'

"The UN clean development mechanism, designed to give poor countries access to green technologies, is in dire need of rescue"

Category: Climate Change


Climate change expert calls for nuclear power 'binge' to avert global warming

"Peter Wadhams, professor of ocean physics at Cambridge University, warns CO2 levels are rising at a faster than exponential rate"


Flooded mines could supply 40% of Glasgow's heating, say geologists

"Survey by British Geological Survey reveals how warm water in network of disused coalmines could heat the city"

Category: Energy sources


Impact of climate change on food prices is underestimated, Oxfam warns

"Price spikes will be a devastating blow to the world's poorest and will also affect UK consumers"


US and EU must change biofuel targets to avert food crisis, says Nestlé chief

"Food company chief executive labels biofuels an aberration and expresses concern about potential impact of water wastage"

Displaying results 151 to 155 out of 2977